Tuesday, April 17, 2007

How I Got into Buffy

Why, you may ask, would a person become so interested in a couple television of shows that aren’t even on the air anymore? Buffy the vampire Slayer (BTVS) finished in 2003 and Angel finished in 2004. I had seen the film “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and found it mildly amusing but was surprised that it had been developed into a television series but I was intrigued enough to tune in. Here in Australia the program quickly attracted a devoted cult following but didn’t pull enough numbers to keep it in a prime time spot so, from memory, soon after it premiered it was moved to about 10.30pm. I can remember trying to stay awake through less interesting programs every Tuesday night just to get to BTVS. I had my second youngest son in the same year that Buffy premiered so that wasn’t always an easy thing to do. I enjoyed the first series but loved the second. And yes, it was the arrival of Spike and Dru in Sunnydale that really made it all click. I think, if I remember correctly, channel seven (which broadcast the program in Australia) used to repeat the series in the off season so that if you ever missed an episode it was easy enough to catch up. The X-files used to do the same thing.

Anyway, I loved BTVS, but back then it was just a show for me. Watched it, thought about it a bit, began looking towards next weeks’ instalment. I think it was Season five that took me to the next level, that just happened to be when we got the internet at home for the first time and whoa, did that open up a whole new world. I must admit that the thing I loved most was spoilers. I became a spoiler whore, jumping from site to site looking for clues as to what would be happening on coming episodes. Then I discovered Leoff’s Wildfeed Summaries which gave a complete run down of the story and pointed out nuances and ongoing references and best of all, they came months in advance for us Australian viewers who were a bit behind the US. Ok, so for the final few seasons I wasn’t surprised by anything that happened but it never diminished my enjoyment. Recently I watched the entire series again with my daughter who watched it for the first time, it was great to share her surprise as events unfolded, the closest thing I’ll ever get to being unspoilt I suppose.

When the character of Angel got his own spin off I did watch the first few episodes. But in those days, two late night programs were a bit much for a young mother of three who was also studying at university full time. I saw bits and pieces here and there but never got addicted. Last year I bought the entire collection of BTVS on DVD (the best money I’ve ever spent!) and watched it through and then, because I knew that the character of Spike went over to Angel bought season five of Angel to see what happened. Trouble with watching the final season of a series created by Joss Whedon, well you don’t have a whole lot of understanding of what’s going on and no idea of who’s who. So I bought seasons one to four as well and I fell in love with Angel too. As a bonus, my sons have also really enjoyed Angel which is nice.

With the DVD purchases came multiple viewing opportunities and it is in multiple viewing that these programs really come to be truly appreciated. Having acquired a bachelor’s degree in Education (English & Geography major) since I started watching BTVS and now, working towards a Masters degree (Learning Innovation – Teacher Librarian major) I believe, has made me even more appreciative of the carefully crafted programs. I devour any discussion of the show, characters and themes, have read many intellectual, philosophical and literary examinations of the Buffyverse, participate in online Buffy communities, listen to podcasts and even go so far as to write a Blog about it.

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